
Software Architecture Bookclub Podcast Episode 7


Piątek, 2 Sierpnia 2024


11:00 America/New York

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Episode 7

Head First Software Architecture
Chapter 7: Modular Monolith

In this live question/answer driven podcast we focus on chapter 7 of Head First Software Architecture and discuss Modular Monoliths, which have gained in popularity over the years–particularly with the increased use of Domain-Driven Design.

Mark Richards

Mark Richards is an experienced, hands-on software architect involved in the architecture, design, and implementation of microservices architectures, service-oriented architectures, and distributed systems in a variety of technologies. He has been in the software industry since 1983 and is the author of numerous technical books and videos on areas of microservices and software architecture.

Neal Ford

Neal Ford is director, software architect, and meme wrangler at ThoughtWorks, a global IT consultancy with an exclusive focus on end-to-end software development and delivery.

Raju Gandhi

Raju is an architect, consultant, author, and teacher and a regularly invited speaker at conferences around the world. He believes in keeping things simple, and his approach is to always understand and explain the “why,” as opposed to the “how.” You can find his contact information at RajuGandhi.com.